Infiltrate Meaning In Urdu
Infiltrate Meaning in English to Urdu is جذب ہونا, as written in Urdu and Jazb Hona, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Infiltrate which include Access, Crack, Foist, Impregnate, Insinuate, Penetrate, Percolate, Permeate, Pervade, Saturate, Tinge, Edge In, Filter Through, Sneak In, Work Into, Worm Into, etc.
[in-fil-treyt, in-fil-treyt]
جذب ہونا
Jazb Hona
Jazb Hona | جذب ہونا |
Daakhil Hona | داخل ہونا |
Definitions of Infiltrate
intransitive v. To enter by penetrating the pores or interstices of a substance; to filter into or through something.
intransitive v. To enter secretly (into an organization, territory, etc.) for hostile purposes, such as spying or sabotage; ; also used transitively.
transitive v. To penetrate gradually; -- sometimes used reflexively.
Form Verb (used With Object), Infiltrated, Infiltrating.
How To Spell Infiltrate [in-fil-treyt, in-fil-treyt]
Synonyms For Infiltrate , Similar to Infiltrate
Access, Crack, Foist, Impregnate, Insinuate, Penetrate, Percolate, Permeate, Pervade, Saturate, Tinge, Edge In, Filter Through, Sneak In, Work Into, Worm Into,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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