Integrity Meaning In Urdu

Integrity Meaning In Urdu is Kaliyat, as written in Roman Urdu and کلیت as written in Urdu. Other Integrity Urdu Meanings are Salmiyat and RaastBaazi. Scroll down to benefit from the English to Urdu meanings and explanations.





Definitions of Integrity

Form Noun

How To Spell Integrity [in-teg-ri-tee]

Origin of Integrity Late Middle English (in integrity (sense 2)): from French intégrité or Latin integritas, from integer ‘intact’ (see integer). Compare with entirety, integral, and integrate.

Antonyms For Integrity , Opposite to Integrity

Corruption, Deceit, Disgrace, Dishonesty, Dishonor, Incompleteness,

Integrity Meaning In Urdu

When we translate a word from English to Urdu, we are flooded with translations. We most often get confused thinking which meaning is the most authentic. To clear out your confusion, Urdupoint’s English to Urdu Dictionary presents you with the most accurate meanings. For instance, Integrity Meaning In Urdu is Kaliyat, as written in Roman Urdu. It is written as کلیت in Urdu.Other Integrity Urdu Meanings are Salmiyat and RaastBaazi. You can even click on a certain meaning to further explore it in depth. By definition, Integrity is ‘the state or quality of being entire or complete’. We have listed 3-4 comprehensive definitions to help you understand. By form, Integrity is a noun. It is spelled as [in-teg-ri-tee]. The word originated from Late Middle English. The French word ‘intégrité’ or Latin ‘integritas’ are also the origins. It is from ‘integer’which means ‘intact’.

The synonyms of Integrity include Candor, Forthrightness, Goodness, Honestness, Honesty, Honorableness, Incorruptibility, Incorruption, Rectitude, Righteousness, Sincerity, Straightforwardness, Virtue, Principle, Probity and Purity. Meanwhile, the antonyms of Integrity are Corruption, Deceit, Disgrace, Dishonesty, Dishonor and Incompleteness. So, use the meaning according to your context and keep learning.

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