Irresolute Meaning In Urdu
Irresolute Meaning in English to Urdu is مذبذب, as written in Urdu and Mazbazab, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Irresolute which include Changing, Doubtful, Doubting, Faltering, Fearful, Fickle, Fluctuating, Halfhearted, Halting, Hesitant, Hesitating, Infirm, Shaky, Tentative, Timid, Uncertain, Undecided, Undetermined, Unsettled, Unstable, Unsteady, Vacillating, Waffling, Wavering, Weak, Wimpy, Wobbly, etc.
Ghair Mustaqil Mizaj | غیر مستقل مزاج |
Mazbazab | مذبذب |
Definitions of Irresolute
adj. Not resolute; not decided or determined; wavering; given to doubt or irresolution.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Irresolute [ih-rez-uh-loot]
Origin of Irresolute Late 16th century: from Latin irresolutus ‘not loosened’, or from in- ‘not’ + resolute.
Synonyms For Irresolute , Similar to Irresolute
Changing, Doubtful, Doubting, Faltering, Fearful, Fickle, Fluctuating, Halfhearted, Halting, Hesitant, Hesitating, Infirm, Shaky, Tentative, Timid, Uncertain, Undecided, Undetermined, Unsettled, Unstable, Unsteady, Vacillating, Waffling, Wavering, Weak, Wimpy, Wobbly,Antonyms For Irresolute , Opposite to Irresolute
Definite, Determined, Obstinate, Resolute, Stubborn, Unyielding, Willful,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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