Mandatory Meaning In Urdu

Mandatory Meaning in Urdu is Lazmi. It is written asلازمی in Urdu. Other Mandatory meanings include Hukum kay Mutaliq and Lazmi. Along with its meaning, we have also stated its form, definitions, synonyms and antonyms.


[man-duh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee]



Definitions of Mandatory

Form Adjective

How To Spell Mandatory [man-duh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee]

Mandatory Meaning in Urdu

Mandatory Meaning in Urdu is Lazmi. It is written as لازمی in Urdu. Other Mandatory meanings include Hukum kay Mutaliq and Lazmi. They are stated alongside their Urdu form. The purpose of stating meanings in Urdu and Roman Urdu is to help you understand the pronunciation. Also, if a person finds himself weak in one area, he can rely on the other form to understand the pronunciation. You can even click on the meanings to further explore their explanations. By definition, Mandatory is required by authority and not optional. Mandatory is an adjective and it is spelled as   [man-duh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee]. The synonyms of Mandatory are Binding, Commanding, Compelling, Compulsory, Essential, Forced, Imperative, Imperious, Indispensable, Involuntary, Needful, Obligatory, Requisite, Compulsatory, De Rigueur and Irremissible. The antonyms are the words opposite in meaning and they include Free, Inessential, Nonessential, Optional, Secondary, Unforced, Unnecessary and Voluntary. Urdupoint is definitely your one- stop shop for all cross lingual translations, meanings and definitions.

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