Precipitation Meaning In Urdu

Precipitation Meaning in Urdu is بارش, as written in Urdu and Barish, as written in Roman Urdu. Other Precipitation Urdu Meanings are Shabnam and Jald Baazi KaKaam. Find more Precipitation Meanings, synonyms and translations on this page.


[pri-sip-i-tey-shuh n]



Definitions of Precipitation

Form Noun

How To Spell Precipitation [pri-sip-i-tey-shuh n]

Origin of Precipitation Late Middle English (denoting the action of falling or throwing down): from Latin praecipitatio(n-), from praecipitare ‘throw down or headlong’ (see precipitate).

Antonyms For Precipitation , Opposite to Precipitation


Precipitation Meaning In Urdu

Precipitation Meaning in Urdu is بارش, as written in Urdu and Barish, as written in Roman Urdu. Other Precipitation Urdu Meanings are Shabnam and JaldBaaziKaKaam. Precipitation is a noun according to parts of speech. According to our definition, Precipitation stands for ‘the act of precipitating or falling, flowing, or rushing downward with violence and rapidity.’ It is accurately pronounced as [pri-sip-i-tey-shuh n]. Precipitation finds its origins in Late Middle English (denoting the action of falling or throwing down). It is from Latin praecipitatio(n-) and from ‘praecipitare’ meaning ‘throw down or headlong’ 

You should also check the Urdu Meanings of Precipitate, Precipitates and Precipitous for better understanding. Precipitation English Meanings are Cloudburst, Condensation, Drizzle, Hail, Hailstorm, Rain, Rainfall, Rainstorm, Sleet, Snow, Storm, Wetness and Heavy Dew. The antonym or opposite word for Precipitation is Dryness. If you are satisfied with Meaning of Precipitation in Urdu, you can find more English to Urdu Meanings in Urdupoint’s Online Dictionary.

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