Process Meaning In Urdu
Process Meaning in English to Urdu is عمل, as written in Urdu and Amal, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Process which include Aaa, Action, Advance, Case, Course, Development, Evolution, Fashion, Formation, Growth, Means, Measure, Mechanism, Mode, Movement, Operation, Outgrowth, Performance, Practice, Routine, Rule, Stage, Step, Suit, System, Technique, Transaction, Trial, Unfolding, Way, Wise, Working, Proceeding, Progress, Procedure, Progression, etc.
[pros-es; especially british proh-ses]
Definitions of Process
n. The act of proceeding; continued forward movement; procedure; progress; advance.
n. A series of actions, motions, or occurrences; progressive act or transaction; continuous operation; normal or actual course or procedure; regular proceeding
n. A statement of events; a narrative.
n. Any marked prominence or projecting part, especially of a bone; anapophysis.
n. The whole course of proceedings in a cause real or personal, civil or criminal, from the beginning to the end of the suit; strictly, the means used for bringing the defendant into court to answer to the action; -- a generic term for writs of the class called judicial.
Form Noun, Plural Processes [pros-es-iz, ‐uh-siz, ‐uh-seez Or, Esp. British, Proh-ses-iz, Proh-suh-seez] /ˈprɒs ɛs ɪz, ‐ə Sɪz, ‐əˌsiz Or, Esp. British, ˈproʊ Sɛs ɪz, ˈproʊ Sə Siz/ (Show IPA)
How To Spell Process [pros-es; especially british proh-ses]
Origin of Process Middle English: from Old French proces, from Latin processus ‘progression, course’, from the verb procedere (see proceed). Current senses of the verb date from the late 19th century.
Synonyms For Process , Similar to Process
Aaa, Action, Advance, Case, Course, Development, Evolution, Fashion, Formation, Growth, Means, Measure, Mechanism, Mode, Movement, Operation, Outgrowth, Performance, Practice, Routine, Rule, Stage, Step, Suit, System, Technique, Transaction, Trial, Unfolding, Way, Wise, Working, Proceeding, Progress, Procedure, Progression,Antonyms For Process , Opposite to Process
Cessation, Decline, Decrease, Failure, Halt, Idleness, Ignorance, Inaction, Inactivity, Stoppage,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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