Procurement Meaning In Urdu

Procurement Meaning in Urdu is فراہمی, as written in Urdu and Farahmi, as written in Roman Urdu. Other Procurement Urdu Meanings are Muyassar Karna and Baham Pahunchana. Find more Procurement Meanings, synonyms and translations by scrolling down.


[proh-kyoo r-muh nt, pruh‐]



Definitions of Procurement

Form Noun

How To Spell Procurement [proh-kyoo r-muh nt, pruh‐]

Synonyms For Procurement , Similar to Procurement

Acquirement, Acquisition, Appropriation, Attainment, Procuring,

Procurement Meaning In Urdu

Procurement Meaning in Urdu is فراہمی, as written in Urdu and Farahmi, as written in Roman Urdu. Other Procurement Urdu Meanings are Muyassar Karna and BahamPahunchana. The meanings are written both in Urdu and Roman Urdu to help you understand better. Procurement is a noun according to parts of speech. According to our definition, Procurement stands for ‘the act of procuring or obtaining.’ The pronunciation of this word can get a bit tricky. It is accurately pronounced as [proh-kyoo r-muhnt, pruh‐]. Procurement originated from Middle English. It is from Old French procurer, from Latin procurare meaning ‘take care of, manage’ and from pro- ‘on behalf of’ + curare ‘see to’.

You should also check Procure Meaning In Urdu to understand better. Procurement English Meanings include Acquirement, Acquisition, Appropriation, Attainment and Procuring. If you are satisfied with Procurement Meaning in Urdu, you can also browse Urdupoint’s Online Dictionary for more authentic English to Urdu Meanings.

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