Segment Meaning In Urdu
Segment Meaning in English to Urdu is قتلا, as written in Urdu and Qatla, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Segment which include Articulation, Bit, Compartment, Cut, Division, Member, Moiety, Parcel, Piece, Portion, Section, Sector, Slice, Subdivision, Wedge, etc.
[noun seg-muh nt; verb seg-ment, seg-ment]
Phaank | پھانک |
Qaash | قاش |
Tukra | ٹکڑا |
Qatla | قتلا |
Definitions of Segment
n. One of the parts into which any body naturally separates or is divided; a part divided or cut off; a section; a portion
n. A part cut off from a figure by a line or plane; especially, that part of a circle contained between a chord and an arc of that circle, or so much of the circle as is cut off by the chord.
n. A piece in the form of the sector of a circle, or part of a ring.
n. A segment gear.
n. One of the cells or division formed by segmentation, as in egg cleavage or in fissiparous cell formation.
n. One of the divisions, rings, or joints into which many animal bodies are divided; a somite; a metamere; a somatome.
intransitive v. To divide or separate into parts in growth; to undergo segmentation, or cleavage, as in the segmentation of the ovum.
Form Noun
How To Spell Segment [noun seg-muh nt; verb seg-ment, seg-ment]
Synonyms For Segment , Similar to Segment
Articulation, Bit, Compartment, Cut, Division, Member, Moiety, Parcel, Piece, Portion, Section, Sector, Slice, Subdivision, Wedge,Antonyms For Segment , Opposite to Segment
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