Stop Meaning In Urdu
Stop Meaning in English to Urdu is روکنا, as written in Urdu and Rokna, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Stop which include Bar, Barricade, Block, Blockade, Break, Cease, Cessation, Check, Close, Closing, Conclusion, Control, Cutoff, Desistance, Discontinuation, Ending, Fence, Finish, Freeze, Hindrance, Letup, Lull, Pause, Plug, Roadblock, Standstill, Stay, Stoppage, Termination, Wall, Break Off, Blank Wall, Brick Wall, Grinding Halt, Screeching Halt, etc.
Band Karna | بند کرنا |
Rokna | روکنا |
Sorakh Karna | سوراخ کرنا |
Masdood Karna | مسدود کرنا |
Taraqqi Nah Karnay Dena | ترقی نہ کرنے دینا |
Definitions of Stop
n. The act of stopping, or the state of being stopped; hindrance of progress or of action; cessation; repression; interruption; check; obstruction.
n. That which stops, impedes, or obstructs; as obstacle; an impediment; an obstruction.
n. A device, or piece, as a pin, block, pawl, etc., for arresting or limiting motion, or for determining the position to which another part shall be brought.
n. The closing of an aperture in the air passage, or pressure of the finger upon the string, of an instrument of music, so as to modify the tone; hence, any contrivance by which the sounds of a musical instrument are regulated.
n. In the organ, one of the knobs or handles at each side of the organist, by which he can draw on or shut off any register or row of pipes; the register itself; as, the vox humana stop.
n. A member, plain or molded, formed of a separate piece and fixed to a jamb, against which a door or window shuts. This takes the place, or answers the purpose, of a rebate. Also, a pin or block to prevent a drawer from sliding too far.
n. A point or mark in writing or printing intended to distinguish the sentences, parts of a sentence, or clauses; a mark of punctuation. See Punctuation.
n. The diaphragm used in optical instruments to cut off the marginal portions of a beam of light passing through lenses.
n. The depression in the face of a dog between the skull and the nasal bones. It is conspicuous in the bulldog, pug, and some other breeds.
n. Some part of the articulating organs, as the lips, or the tongue and palate, closed (a) so as to cut off the passage of breath or voice through the mouth and the nose (distinguished as a lip-stop, or a front-stop, etc., as in p, t, d, etc.), or (b) so as to obstruct, but not entirely cut off, the passage, as in l, n, etc.; also, any of the consonants so formed.
intransitive v. To cease to go on; to halt, or stand still; to come to a stop.
intransitive v. To cease from any motion, or course of action.
intransitive v. To spend a short time; to reside temporarily; to stay; to tarry.
transitive v. To close, as an aperture, by filling or by obstructing; ; hence, to stanch, as a wound.
transitive v. To obstruct; to render impassable.
transitive v. To arrest the progress of; to hinder; to impede; to shut in.
transitive v. To hinder from acting or moving; to prevent the effect or efficiency of; to cause to cease; to repress; to restrain; to suppress; to interrupt; to suspend.
transitive v. To regulate the sounds of, as musical strings, by pressing them against the finger board with the finger, or by shortening in any way the vibrating part.
transitive v. To point, as a composition; to punctuate.
transitive v. To make fast; to stopper.
Form Verb (used With Object), Stopped Or (Archaic) Stopt; Stopping.
How To Spell Stop [stop]
Origin of Stop Old English (for)stoppian ‘block up (an aperture)’, of West Germanic origin; related to German stopfen, from late Latin stuppare ‘to stuff’.
Synonyms For Stop , Similar to Stop
Bar, Barricade, Block, Blockade, Break, Cease, Cessation, Check, Close, Closing, Conclusion, Control, Cutoff, Desistance, Discontinuation, Ending, Fence, Finish, Freeze, Hindrance, Letup, Lull, Pause, Plug, Roadblock, Standstill, Stay, Stoppage, Termination, Wall, Break Off, Blank Wall, Brick Wall, Grinding Halt, Screeching Halt,Antonyms For Stop , Opposite to Stop
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