Kam Ho Kar Meaning in English
The Correct Meaning of Kam Ho Kar in English is Decreasing. Other similar words for Kam Ho Kar include Kam Hota Hua, Ghat-ta Hua, Kam Ho Kar and Ghatt Kar. Explore this page to Translate Kam Ho Kar (Decreasing) into English accurately.
Kam Ho Kar
کم ہو کر
Kam Hota Hua | کم ہوتا ہوا |
Ghat-ta Hua | گھٹتا ہوا |
Kam Ho Kar | کم ہو کر |
Ghatt Kar | گھٹ کر |
Definitions of Decreasing
adj. Becoming less and less; diminishing.
Form Adjective
How To Spell Decreasing [dih-kree-sing]
Synonyms For Decreasing , Similar to Decreasing
Aaho, Abate, Contract, Crumble, Curb, Curtail, Decay, Decline, Degenerate, Depreciate, Deteriorate, Diminish, Drop, Dwindle, Ease, Ebb, Evaporate, Fade, Lessen, Lighten, Lower, Modify, Quell, Quiet, Reduce, Restrain, Settle, Shrink, Shrivel, Sink, Slacken, Slash, Slump, Soften, Subside, Wane, Waste, Weaken, Wither, Cut Down, Devaluate, Fall Off, Drop Off,Antonyms For Decreasing , Opposite to Decreasing
Add, Ascend, Build, Compliment, Develop, Enlarge, Expand, Extend, Grow, Improve, Increase, Irritate, Laud, Lengthen, Liberate, Praise, Raise, Rise, Strengthen, Upset, Go Up, Prolong,Kam Ho Kar Meaning from Urdu to English is Decreasing, and in Urdu it is written as کم ہو کر. This word is written in Roman Urdu.
Kam Ho Kar Meaning in English - Find the correct meaning of Kam Ho Kar in English, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from Urdu to English. There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Kam Ho Kar in English is Decreasing, and in Urdu we write it کم ہو کر The word Decreasing is an adjective. It is spelled as [dih-kree-sing]. There are also several similar words to Kam Ho Kar in our dictionary, which are Aaho, Abate, Contract, Crumble, Curb, Curtail, Decay, Decline, Degenerate, Depreciate, Deteriorate, Diminish, Drop, Dwindle, Ease, Ebb, Evaporate, Fade, Lessen, Lighten, Lower, Modify, Quell, Quiet, Reduce, Restrain, Settle, Shrink, Shrivel, Sink, Slacken, Slash, Slump, Soften, Subside, Wane, Waste, Weaken, Wither, Cut Down, Devaluate, Fall Off and Drop Off. Apart from similar words, there are always opposite words in dictionary too, the opposite words for Kam Ho Kar are Add, Ascend, Build, Compliment, Develop, Enlarge, Expand, Extend, Grow, Improve, Increase, Irritate, Laud, Lengthen, Liberate, Praise, Raise, Rise, Strengthen, Upset, Go Up and Prolong. After Urdu to English translation of Kam Ho Kar, If you have issues in pronunciation than you can hear the audio of it in the online dictionary.Free Online Dictionary
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