Qasba Meaning in English
The Correct Meaning of Qasba in English is Ham. Other similar words for Qasba include Pusht Raan, Basti and Qasba. Explore this page to Translate Qasba (Ham) into English accurately.
Pusht Raan | پشت ران |
Basti | بستی |
Qasba | قصبہ |
Definitions of Ham
n. Home.
n. The region back of the knee joint; the popliteal space; the hock.
n. The thigh of any animal; especially, the thigh of a hog cured by salting and smoking.
n. a person who performs in a showy or exaggerated style; -- used especially of actors. Also used attributively, .
n. The licensed operator of an amateur radio station.
intransitive v. To act with exaggerated voice and gestures; to overact.
Form Noun
How To Spell Ham [ham]
Origin of Ham Old English ham, hom (originally denoting the back of the knee), from a Germanic base meaning ‘be crooked’. In the late 15th century the term came to denote the back of the thigh, hence the thigh or hock of an animal.
Qasba Meaning from Urdu to English is Ham, and in Urdu it is written as قصبہ. This word is written in Roman Urdu.
Qasba Meaning in English - Find the correct meaning of Qasba in English, it is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from Urdu to English. There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Qasba in English is Ham, and in Urdu we write it قصبہ The word Ham is an noun. It is spelled as [ham]. It finds its origins in Old English ham, hom (originally denoting the back of the knee), from a Germanic base meaning ‘be crooked’. In the late 15th century the term came to denote the back of the thigh, hence the thigh or hock of an animal. There are also several similar words to Qasba in our dictionary, which are Exhibitionist, Hot Dog, Hotshot and Grandstander. After Urdu to English translation of Qasba, If you have issues in pronunciation than you can hear the audio of it in the online dictionary.Top Trending Words
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