Anti- Measles Drive To Start From May 20


Anti- measles drive to start from May 20

Deputy Commissioner, Rizwan Qadeer Wednesday said that the five-day anti-measles campaign will start from May 20 in urban tehsil of City of Saints

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 8th May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner, Rizwan Qadeer Wednesday said that the five-day anti-measles campaign will start from May 20 in urban tehsil of City of Saints.

Addressing the meeting of the health department here, he said a total of 271 teams have been formed for the anti-measles campaign.

CEO Health Dr Faisal Qaisrani gave briefing on the measles campaign in Tehsil Multan.

Children up to the age of one year will be vaccinated free of charge while 59 teams will vaccinate at temporary fixed points at different places.

Rizwan Qadeer said that all arrangements have been finalized to maintain the cold chain of the vaccine.

Mobile App training has also been provided to all supervisors to monitor the campaign, he concluded.


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