A Kindhearted Pakistani Women Feeds 100 Homeless People Daily

A Kindhearted Pakistani women feeds 100 homeless people daily

Lahore, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 8th August, 2016) : Homelessness is one of the prevailing issues in the Islamic republic of Pakistan triggered by the poverty and joblessness. This causes a large population of Pakistan to remain unproductive members of the society lying and wandering aimlessly on the streets contributing zero percent towards the country's development.

Rukhsana Izhar sensed this sad and destructive situation and determined to dedicate her life for the noble cause of rising the miserable population of the country in every possible way. When we build an orphanage or organize a dastarkhwan for the hungry, we almost forget those helpers or laborers who serve themselves wholeheartedly in accomplishing those noble causes with us.

Which on one side create an hurdle in the way of our nobility while on the other hand it neglects one portion of the population at the expense of which the cause has been done. But Rukhsana has her own mentality.

she came up with an idea of community relief which was slightly different from the common idea. 10 years ago, she decided to invite the poverty-stricken people around her to join her family for lunches.

She would prepare a little extra lunch every day and they would all sit and eat together. The size of the lunch dastarkhuwan kept on increasing with every passing day and today, almost 200 people join the family every single day for lunch.

The entire dastarkhuwan is prepared under her supervision where she double checks that every single ingredient is up to the mark. She has gotten her entire family to help her. The spices, including something as trivial as turmeric, is prepared at home in order to retain its nutritional value.

Rukshana Izhar’s mission statement is not confined to arranging dastarkhuwans only. She has established trust schools, women empowerment centers and regular medical camps, across the country. She has set up a women empowerment center as well where she teaches the girls how to sew and eventually, provide them with sewing machines so they can earn on their own.

In the meanwhile, she has launched a campaign in order to ensure that all the household workers in her vicinity are treated well and are paid at least the minimum wage, set by the government.