CAR Supports Russia, Developing High Level Of Relations - Parliament Speaker

CAR Supports Russia, Developing High Level of Relations - Parliament Speaker

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 23rd October, 2022) The Central African Republic (CAR) understands and supports Russia in the current situation, there are no misunderstandings between the leaders of the two countries, relations are developing at a high level, speaker of the Central African parliament, Simplice Sarandji, told Sputnik on Sunday.

"People in the Central African Republic are well aware of the situation in which Russia finds itself, and sympathize with Moscow, just as the Russian authorities once supported the car in a difficult situation. If there had not been such mutual understanding, Russia would not have come to the rescue at a difficult moment to maintain security in our country," Sarandji said.

The politician stressed that the high level of relations between the presidents of the two countries contributes to the quality of bilateral relations.

"I have to note the high level of relations between our presidents � there are no misunderstandings between them, and our peoples can only benefit from this. Our countries support each other on the global arena, the situation in our relations is very good, cooperation is developing," Sarandji added.

Earlier this month, the CAR, among other countries, abstained from voting on a resolution against Russia in the UN General Assembly that does not recognize referendums in the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions. Observers from the CAR were also present at referendums in Russia.