Russia Not Threatening Anyone With Nuclear Weapons - Antonov

Russia Not Threatening Anyone With Nuclear Weapons - Antonov

WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 09th November, 2022) Russia is not threatening anyone with nuclear weapons, but quite the contrary, it is trying to prevent the current situation spiraling out of control, Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov told Sputnik.

"The Americans, turning everything upside down, accuse us of irresponsible nuclear rhetoric. If you look at the facts, it becomes clear that we are not threatening anyone with nuclear weapons," Antonov said. "On the contrary, we strive to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control. Russian officials and the president of Russia have repeatedly confirmed that we are not going to use nuclear weapons, including tactical ones, in Ukraine."

Antonov said contrary to Russia's frank statements that it will not use nuclear weapons, the world heard the United Kingdom - Washington's closest ally - express readiness to do exactly the opposite.

"Such statements are extremely dangerous. Especially, when talk about the use of weapons of mass destruction is becoming a norm. This dulls the caution in the minds of those leaders in the West who add fuel to the fire of the Ukrainian conflict.

They are responsible for preventing the scenario mentioned by the American President," Antonov added.

On Monday, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said that US officials have recently had an opportunity to engage with the Russian government to reduce risks and convey the consequences of the potential use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Sullivan has been conducting confidential talks in recent months with Kremlin aide Yury Ushakov and Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev. The Kremlin and the White House declined to confirm that such talks took place.

Last week, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement confirming that Russia's nuclear deterrence policy was guided by the postulate of the inadmissibility of nuclear war, as there could be no winners in such a conflict.

In October, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia had never proactively said anything about using nuclear weapons, noting that such speculations are being used by the collective West to influence countries that have a more friendly attitude toward Russia.