Derange Meaning In Urdu
Derange Meaning in English to Urdu is پٹری سے اترنا, as written in Urdu and Patri Say Utarna, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Derange which include Confound, Craze, Dement, Disarrange, Disarray, Discommode, Discompose, Disconcert, Disorder, Disorganize, Displace, Distract, Disturb, Frenzy, Madden, Misplace, Muss, Perplex, Ruffle, Rummage, Unbalance, Unhinge, Unsettle, Upset, Mess Up, Drive Mad, Make Insane, etc.
پٹری سے اترنا
Patri Say Utarna
Patri Say Utarna | پٹری سے اترنا |
Definitions of Derange
transitive v. To put out of place, order, or rank; to disturb the proper arrangement or order of; to throw into disorder, confusion, or embarrassment; to disorder; to disarrange.
transitive v. To disturb in action or function, as a part or organ, or the whole of a machine or organism.
transitive v. To disturb in the orderly or normal action of the intellect; to render insane.
Form Verb (used With Object), Deranged, Deranging.
How To Spell Derange [dih-reynj]
Origin of Derange Late 18th century: from French déranger, from Old French desrengier, literally ‘move from orderly rows’.
Synonyms For Derange , Similar to Derange
Confound, Craze, Dement, Disarrange, Disarray, Discommode, Discompose, Disconcert, Disorder, Disorganize, Displace, Distract, Disturb, Frenzy, Madden, Misplace, Muss, Perplex, Ruffle, Rummage, Unbalance, Unhinge, Unsettle, Upset, Mess Up, Drive Mad, Make Insane,Antonyms For Derange , Opposite to Derange
Arrange, Balance, Calm, Clarify, Comfort, Compose, Explain, Order, Organize, Please, Soothe, Make Happy, Clear Up,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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