Exalt Meaning In Urdu
Exalt Meaning in English to Urdu is بلند کرنا, as written in Urdu and Buland Karna, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Exalt which include Acclaim, Advance, Aggrandize, Apotheosize, Applaud, Bless, Boost, Commend, Dignify, Distinguish, Ennoble, Erect, Eulogize, Extol, Glorify, Halo, Honor, Idolize, Intensify, Laud, Magnify, Raise, Revere, Sublime, Transfigure, Upgrade, Uprear, Worship, Build Up, Pay Homage To, Set On Pedestal, etc.
بلند کرنا
Buland Karna
Buland Karna | بلند کرنا |
Ooncha Karna | اونچا کرنا |
Definitions of Exalt
transitive v. To raise high; to elevate; to lift up.
transitive v. To elevate in rank, dignity, power, wealth, character, or the like; to dignify; to promote.
transitive v. To elevate by prise or estimation; to magnify; to extol; to glorify.
transitive v. To lift up with joy, pride, or success; to inspire with delight or satisfaction; to elate.
transitive v. To elevate the tone of, as of the voice or a musical instrument.
transitive v. To render pure or refined; to intensify or concentrate.
Form Verb (used With Object)
How To Spell Exalt [ig-zawlt]
Origin of Exalt Late Middle English: from Latin exaltare, from ex- ‘out, upward’ + altus ‘high’.
Synonyms For Exalt , Similar to Exalt
Acclaim, Advance, Aggrandize, Apotheosize, Applaud, Bless, Boost, Commend, Dignify, Distinguish, Ennoble, Erect, Eulogize, Extol, Glorify, Halo, Honor, Idolize, Intensify, Laud, Magnify, Raise, Revere, Sublime, Transfigure, Upgrade, Uprear, Worship, Build Up, Pay Homage To, Set On Pedestal,Antonyms For Exalt , Opposite to Exalt
Blame, Castigate, Censure, Condemn, Criticize, Damn, Debase, Decrease, Degrade, Denounce, Deny, Depress, Disapprove, Disgrace, Dishonor, Disrespect, Halt, Humiliate, Lower, Raze, Refuse, Shame, Stop,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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