Forbid Meaning In Urdu
Forbid Meaning in English to Urdu is روکنا, as written in Urdu and Rokna, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Forbid which include Ban, Block, Cancel, Censor, Check, Debar, Deny, Deprive, Disallow, Embargo, Enjoin, Exclude, Forestall, Forfend, Freeze, Halt, Hinder, Impede, Inhibit, Interdict, Nix, Obstruct, Obviate, Oppose, Preclude, Restrain, Restrict, Spike, Stop, Stymie, Taboo, Veto, Withhold, Prevent, Rule Out, Shut Out, Lock Up, Hold Up, Shut Down, Proscribe, Put The Chill On, Declare Illegal, etc.
[fer-bid, fawr-]
Momanat Karna | ممانعت کرنا |
Mana Karna | منع کرنا |
Rokna | روکنا |
Baaz Rakhna | باز رکھنا |
Definitions of Forbid
intransitive v. To utter a prohibition; to prevent; to hinder.
transitive v. To command against, or contrary to; to prohibit; to interdict.
transitive v. To deny, exclude from, or warn off, by express command; to command not to enter.
transitive v. To oppose, hinder, or prevent, as if by an effectual command.
transitive v. To accurse; to blast.
transitive v. To defy; to challenge.
Form Verb (used With Object), Forbade Or Forbad Or Forbid, Forbidden Or Forbid, Forbidding.
How To Spell Forbid [fer-bid, fawr-]
Origin of Forbid Old English forbēodan (see for-, bid).
Synonyms For Forbid , Similar to Forbid
Ban, Block, Cancel, Censor, Check, Debar, Deny, Deprive, Disallow, Embargo, Enjoin, Exclude, Forestall, Forfend, Freeze, Halt, Hinder, Impede, Inhibit, Interdict, Nix, Obstruct, Obviate, Oppose, Preclude, Restrain, Restrict, Spike, Stop, Stymie, Taboo, Veto, Withhold, Prevent, Rule Out, Shut Out, Lock Up, Hold Up, Shut Down, Proscribe, Put The Chill On, Declare Illegal,Antonyms For Forbid , Opposite to Forbid
Add, Admit, Advance, Aid, Allow, Approve, Assist, Authorize, Continue, Encourage, Facilitate, Forward, Free, Go, Help, Include, Permit, Release, Sanction, Support, Welcome, Let Go, Push,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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