Fragile Meaning In Urdu

Fragile Meaning in Urdu is بودا, as written in Urdu and Boda, as written in Roman Urdu. Other Fragile Urdu Meanings are Kamzor and Naazuk. Find more Fragile Meanings, synonyms and translations on this page.


[fraj-uh l; british fraj-ahyl]



Definitions of Fragile

Form Adjective

How To Spell Fragile [fraj-uh l; british fraj-ahyl]

Origin of Fragile Late 15th century (in the sense ‘morally weak’): from Latin fragilis, from frangere ‘to break’. The sense ‘liable to break’ dates from the mid 16th century.

Antonyms For Fragile , Opposite to Fragile

Able, Durable, Firm, Healthy, Strong, Tough, Unbreakable,

Fragile Meaning In Urdu

Fragile Meaning in Urdu is بودا, as written in Urdu and Boda, as written in Roman Urdu. Other Fragile Urdu Meanings are Kamzor and Naazuk. Fragile is an adjective according to parts of speech. According to our definition, Fragile means ‘easily broken or frail.’ As it is a tricky word to pronounce, we have also stated its pronunciation. It is accurately pronounced as [fraj-uh l; britishfraj-ahyl]. Fragile finds its origins in late 15th century (in the sense ‘morally weak’). It is from Latin word ‘fragilis’ and from frangeremeaning‘to break’. The sense ‘liable to break’ dates from the mid-16th century.

You should also check out Fragility Meaning In Urdu to understand the meaning better. Fragile English Meanings include Brittle, Crisp, Crumbly, Decrepit, Delicate, Feeble, Fine, Flimsy, Frail, Frangible, Friable, Infirm, Insubstantial, Shivery, Slight, Unsound, Weak, Weakly and Shatterable. The antonyms of Fragile include Able, Durable, Firm, Healthy, Strong, Tough and Unbreakable. You can find more English to Urdu Meanings at Urdupoint’s Online Dictionary.

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