Strong Meaning In Urdu
Strong Meaning in English to Urdu is ٹھوس, as written in Urdu and Thos, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Strong which include Able, Active, Athletic, Big, Capable, Durable, Enduring, Energetic, Firm, Fixed, Forceful, Forcible, Hale, Hardy, Hearty, Heavy, Mighty, Muscular, Reinforced, Robust, Rugged, Secure, Sinewy, Solid, Sound, Stable, Stalwart, Stark, Staunch, Steady, Stout, Strapping, Sturdy, Substantial, Tenacious, Tough, Unyielding, Vigorous, Hard As Nails, etc.
[strawng, strong]
Mazboot | مضبوط |
Mustahkam | مستحکم |
Thos | ٹھوس |
Sakht | سخت |
Pukhta | پختہ |
Ustwaar | استوار |
Taaqatwar | طاقتور |
Qawi | قوی |
Tawana | توانا |
Mudlal | مدلل |
Definitions of Strong
adj. Having active physical power, or great physical power to act; having a power of exerting great bodily force; vigorous.
adj. Having passive physical power; having ability to bear or endure; firm; hale; sound; robust
adj. Solid; tough; not easily broken or injured; able to withstand violence; able to sustain attacks; not easily subdued or taken
adj. Having great military or naval force; powerful
adj. Having great wealth, means, or resources.
adj. Reaching a certain degree or limit in respect to strength or numbers.
adj. Moving with rapidity or force; violent; forcible; impetuous
adj. Adapted to make a deep or effectual impression on the mind or imagination; striking or superior of the kind; powerful; forcible; cogent
adj. Ardent; eager; zealous; earnestly engaged
adj. Having virtues of great efficacy; or, having a particular quality in a great degree
adj. Full of spirit; containing a large proportion of alcohol; intoxicating.
adj. Affecting any sense powerfully
adj. Solid; nourishing.
adj. Well established; firm; not easily overthrown or altered
adj. Violent; vehement; earnest; ardent.
adj. Having great force, vigor, power, or the like, as the mind, intellect, or any faculty.
adj. Vigorous; effective; forcible; powerful.
adj. Tending to higher prices; rising.
adj. Pertaining to, or designating, a verb which forms its preterit (imperfect) by a variation in the root vowel, and the past participle (usually) by the addition of -en (with or without a change of the root vowel); as in the verbs strive, strove, striven; break, broke, broken; drink, drank, drunk. Opposed to weak, or regular. See Weak.
adj. Applied to forms in Anglo-Saxon, etc., which retain the old declensional endings. In the Teutonic languages the vowel stems have held the original endings most firmly, and are called strong; the stems in -n are called weak other constant stems conform, or are irregular.
Form Adjective, Stronger [strawng-ger, Strong-] /ˈstrɔŋ Gər, ˈstrɒŋ-/ (Show IPA), Strongest [strawng-gist, Strong-] /ˈstrɔŋ Gɪst, ˈstrɒŋ-/ (Show IPA)
How To Spell Strong [strawng, strong]
Origin of Strong Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German streng, also to string.
Synonyms For Strong , Similar to Strong
Able, Active, Athletic, Big, Capable, Durable, Enduring, Energetic, Firm, Fixed, Forceful, Forcible, Hale, Hardy, Hearty, Heavy, Mighty, Muscular, Reinforced, Robust, Rugged, Secure, Sinewy, Solid, Sound, Stable, Stalwart, Stark, Staunch, Steady, Stout, Strapping, Sturdy, Substantial, Tenacious, Tough, Unyielding, Vigorous, Hard As Nails,Antonyms For Strong , Opposite to Strong
Accuse, Agreeable, Broken, Complacent, Delicate, Easy, Feeble, Fragile, Idle, Impotent, Inactive, Indefinite, Indistinct, Ineffective, Inept, Infirm, Insignificant, Intermittent, Irresolute, Lazy, Lethargic, Little, Loose, Moving, Pale, Slack, Sluggish, Small, Soft, Unable, Uncaring, Unfixed, Unhealthy, Unimportant, Unstable, Untrustworthy, Vague, Vulnerable, Weak, Wobbly, Yielding, Undependable,More Word Meaning in Urdu
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[em-bley-zuh N]
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