Cultural Delegation Of Qatar Visits Taxila Museum


Cultural delegation of Qatar visits Taxila Museum

The director of the National Museum of Qatar stressed on Thursday the need to further strengthen cultural ties between Pakistan and Qatar, as both countries have huge potential in the field of culture, especially art and architecture

WAH CANTT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) The director of the National Museum of Qatar stressed on Thursday the need to further strengthen cultural ties between Pakistan and Qatar, as both countries have huge potential in the field of culture, especially art and architecture.

“There are decades-old relations between two Muslim brotherly countries in the fields of trade, defense, investment, and energy, and Doha is looking to further strengthen collaboration with Pakistan in the areas of museums, heritage sites, festivals, and cultural exchange,” said Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al Thani, Director of the National Museum of Qatar, while talking to newsmen at the Taxila Museum.

He was leading a four-member cultural delegation.

Earlier, upon arrival, Anjum Dara, Deputy Director of Taxila, welcomed the delegates and briefed all the respected guests regarding the Taxila Museum and its sites. All delegates expressed admiration for the impressive collection at Taxila Museum while lauding the dedicated efforts of the Directorate General of Archaeology, Punjab, in preserving this rich cultural heritage.
