MTS Mobile Network Operator's Plans To Launch A Music Label

MTS mobile network operator's plans to launch a music label

In this digest, we will tell you how many Russians want to work for an international company now, about a new method for adjusting the length of arms and legs in sick children, Russians' expectations from this year, and the MTS mobile network operator's plans to launch a music label

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 10th January, 2023) In this digest, we will tell you how many Russians want to work for an international company now, about a new method for adjusting the length of arms and legs in sick children, Russians' expectations from this year, and the MTS mobile network operator's plans to launch a music label.

Russians are getting less willing to work in international companies now only 5% of citizens show such a desire, which is four times less than a year ago, at the same time, interest in finding employment in domestic companies is growing, a fresh study conducted by the job search portal revealed on Tuesday.

If 21% of Russians wanted to work in international companies a year ago, now, their share has fallen to 5%. At the same time, the number of those wishing to enter a large Russian company has grown from 38% to 53%.

Additionally, the poll showed that the number of those wishing to open their own business decreased from 19% to 16%.

When asked what professional fields Russians consider to be the most attractive, they named IT (18%), finance (10%) and sales (10%), according to the findings.

When choosing a dream job, Russians first take into account salary (69%) and company stability (18%). Among other relevant criteria, they named the adequacy of management (72%), the ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance (52%), convenient office location (48%), flexible hours (36%) and professional colleagues (33%).

The study was conducted among 1,600 Russians aged from 25 to 55 years from January 4-9.


Scientists at the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University have developed a new method that allows correcting the length of arms or legs in children with pathologies without surgical instruments and plaster, using only an injection, the university's press service told Sputnik.

"A group of scientists at the Sechenov university has developed a new method that will help to correct the length of limbs in children. This method is non-invasive and gentle it does not require stretching the leg or arm on the Ilizarov apparatus and will eliminate the need for surgical instruments and plaster," the university said.

The method provides for an injection of a certain substance � stem cells of the epiphyseal growth plates into one arm or leg, which accelerates bone growth and allows correcting the disproportion, the press service explained.

The experiment impacting the limb was carried out on mice and rats, the developers said, noting that it was successful.

So far, the method has not been put into clinical practice, neither has it been published, as it is currently at the review stage. The data have been submitted to a high-ranking scientific journal for peer review.

The university noted that the method is suitable only for a growing organism.

Almost every second Russian expects 2023 to be generally good for them, another 32% think that the new year will be just as good for their country, a poll by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VCIOM) has revealed.

For 47% of Russians and their families, the past year was generally good, 2% called it very successful. At the same time, 30% assessed 2022 as rather difficult, 15% as bad and very difficult, according to the findings.

More than 60% of respondents are positive about what 2023 will bring them, another 27% expect it to be rather difficult, and 5% � very bad.

Additionally, only 2% believe that 2022 was very successful for Russia, 12% consider it good, while 57% called the past year rather difficult for the country, and 26% � bad and very difficult.

As for 2023 prospects, respondents were more upbeat: 13% think it will be very successful for Russia, 32% � good, 44% � rather difficult, and only 7% � very bad.

The study was conducted among 1,600 adults via telephone interviews on December 17, 2022.

MTS, Russia's largest mobile network operator, has told Sputnik that it is going to launch its own music label.

The Kommersant newspaper reported on Monday that MTS would launch the label in the spring, with Nadezhda Boychevsky, ex-general director of the US digital distributor ONErpm Eastern Europe, heading the new division.

The operator will offer artists and their managers two models for marketing their work � Premium, which will offer full support in managing rights and monetizing them, as well as marketing, advances, working with catalogs and creating new works, and DIY (do it yourself ), a self-promotion format.

When Sputnik reached out for comment, the company's press service confirmed the reports.

MTS has been developing its own streaming service, MTS Music, based on Yandex Music technologies for a long time. In addition, the operator has a division in the field of entertainment, MTS Live, which is also engaged in promotional, concert, and ticketing activities.