Govt Striving For Industrial Development Of Sindh: Ikramullah Dharejo

Govt striving for industrial development of Sindh: Ikramullah Dharejo

Sindh Minister for Industries and Commerce, Jam Ikramullah Dharejo, Thursday, said that government was striving for industrial development in the province to achieve the goals of economic stabilization and employment generation

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Sindh Minister for Industries and Commerce, Jam Ikramullah Dharejo, Thursday, said that government was striving for industrial development in the province to achieve the goals of economic stabilization and employment generation.

The minister, in a meeting with eminent economist Qaiser Bengali, emphasized that industrialists should be encouraged to set up industries in Sindh to help eliminate unemployment and consultations with all stakeholders should be ensured before finalizing the Sindh Industrial Policy, said a statement issued here.

He said that emphasis should be placed on the establishment of industries in rural areas so that issue of unemployment in rural areas could be addressed.

The meeting discussed Sindh Industrial Policy in detail and Qaiser Bengali briefed about the policy. Qaiser Bengali also proposed the provincial minister to establish Sindh Industrial Development Corporation in public private partnership mode for promotion of industrial activities in the province.

Secretary Industries and Trade Muhammad Yasin Shar and Managing Director SITE Ghazanfar Qadri were also present in the meeting.