5 Ways To Extend Your Battery Life With TECNO’s“Pouvoir 4” Series

5 Ways to Extend Your Battery Life  with TECNO’s“Pouvoir 4” series

Picture yourself at a music concert where you are having one of the most amazing time enjoying taking a lot of selfies, live streaming concerts, and playing games

Lahore (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th May, 2020) Picture yourself at a music concert where you are having one of the most amazing time enjoying taking a lot of selfies, live streaming concerts, and playing games. But as the day is coming to an end shockingly your phone start showinga 10% battery warning, and now you in a hurry to use the phone before it shuts down!
However, when we anticipate mobiles weopt for empowered ones thathavegreat key features and a stronger capacity battery. Hence,as looking at the feature of battery, TECNO is introducing withepic level batterymobile at a reasonable price. TECNO’s upcoming model Pouvoir 4 is a battery king by providing a more intensive 6000mAh energy facility which holds the supremacy to run the phone for 4 days with just one single charge!

Pouvoir 4 is still not launched yet until then can followthe following5 tipsthat can make your battery last longer.

  • Let go of your Vibration mode

We should use this mode for only important situations like meetings or seminars as it takes a lot of mobile energy when used. This mode uses more power than a ringtone.

  • Minimizing the screen brightness

While using your cellular phone you should lessen your screen brightness this will not only save your eyesight in the long the run but will also help to make your battery stay longer. Screen light consumes battery whenever you open your handset for checking messages andemail thus exhausting out the battery.

  • Screen Timeout after every use

With every minute on your screen time your battery is using its every ounce of power. It’s important to use lock the phone when you are not using the phone, as without locking it down hence this increases the screen time and your battery gets weaken at the end.

  • Delete unused Applications

All of us are aware with the fact that while using heavy apps your battery drains downand even when we are not using them they are still active and use battery. It’s important to deactivate useless ones.

  • Turn off the GPS tracking

GPS tracking when it uses a lot of energy devotedto this process. These settings are further use by the installed apps even when you are not using itso it is better to close this feature after the use.

Although these precautions will help you use your battery most efficiently but still the power holding capacity of a battery matters a lot. TECNO’s upcoming Pouvoir 4 which is not only an ultimate battery supplier but is also outfitted with other important feature like advanced camera, have dual AI lens at the rear and rumored dual flash camera at the front. Also comprise of a 7-inch display and upgraded processor for running heavier apps. The price and launched date are still not announced, but it is expected to be soon available in Pakistan.

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