Canada Takes Steps To Enable Commercial Space Launches - Transport Ministry

Canada Takes Steps to Enable Commercial Space Launches - Transport Ministry

Canada is taking steps to enable commercial space launches and encourages the industry to present their projects, Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said on Friday

WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 20th January, 2023) Canada is taking steps to enable commercial space launches and encourages the industry to present their projects, Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said on Friday.

"In today's world, we are seeing a great deal of private sector leadership supporting space related projects, and our government wants to encourage and welcome that kind of private sector investment and innovation here ... We want to position Canada as a leader in commercial space launches," Alghabra said during a press conference.

Alghabra said Ottawa wishes to convey a "loud and clear" message to Canadians as well as the private sector and other countries that it intends to become a leader in space launches.

To implement the country's goals in the space sector, Canada will begin with a set of interim measures which will last for about three years, Alghabra said.

The interim measures will follow current legislation and consider existing regulations, Alghabra added. Canada will allow commercial launches that are safe and secure, while also being respectful toward the environment, he added.

Moreover, Transport Canada will cooperate with other Federal agencies to determinate "robust" regulations for said space launches, Alghabra said.

The minister intends to launch an interdepartmental review process allowing for expertise from other government agencies and ensuring the regulations are consistent with international treaties and conventions, the country's national interests and foreign policy.