Russian Cosmonauts Venture Outside Space Station For 6.5-Hour Spacewalk

Russian Cosmonauts Venture Outside Space Station for 6.5-Hour Spacewalk

Two Russian cosmonauts left the International Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday for a maintenance spacewalk that is expected to last six and a half hours

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 29th May, 2019) Two Russian cosmonauts left the International Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday for a maintenance spacewalk that is expected to last six and a half hours.

Expedition 59 Commander Oleg Kononenko and Flight Engineer Alexey Ovchinin, will retrieve science experiments in the framework of the Test research project, install handrails between Poisk and Zarya modules on the Russian segment of the station, and perform a number of other maintenance tasks.

This is the fifth spacewalk for Kononenko and the first for Ovchinin.

Russia's State Space Corporation Roscosmos earlier said that May 29 spacewalk would be the only one under the Russian program on board the ISS in 2019.

Live coverage of the spacewalk is broadcast on Roscosmos official website.

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