Arab Praise As Ireland, Norway, Spain Recognise Palestinian State

Arab praise as Ireland, Norway, Spain recognise Palestinian state

Arab states hailed the decision by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognise a Palestinian state on Wednesday and urged other countries to follow suit

Riyadh, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Arab states hailed the decision by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognise a Palestinian state on Wednesday and urged other countries to follow suit.

Oil-rich Saudi Arabia and Egypt, which borders the war-ravaged Gaza Strip, were among the Middle East countries that praised the move, having called for a two-state solution for decades.

Dublin, Madrid and Oslo announced they would recognise a Palestinian state next Tuesday, nearly eight months into the devastating Gaza conflict.

Israel strongly opposed the decision, arguing it was "rewarding terrorism" after Palestinian group October 7 attack.

But Saudi Arabia called it a "positive decision" that "affirms the international consensus on the inherent right of the Palestinian people to self-determination".

The Gulf kingdom, which has long positioned itself as a champion of the Palestinian cause, said it "calls on the rest of the countries to quickly make the same decision".

Saudi Arabia, home to Islam's holiest sites, has signalled it is prepared to establish relations with Israel under a proposed US-brokered deal, with the strict condition of irrevocable steps towards Palestinian statehood.

Egypt, which has engaged in mediation efforts between Israel and the Palestinian group, alongside Qatar and the United States, also hailed Wednesday's move as a "welcome step".

The announcement supports "international efforts to create a political horizon that can lead to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state", the Egyptian statement said.

Mediator Qatar similarly welcomed the announcement as an "important step in support of a two-state solution", also expressing hope that other countries would do the same.

The Arab quintet of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and Egypt have repeatedly pushed for a pathway to Palestinian statehood since the start of the Gaza war.

The two-state solution, with a Palestinian state existing alongside Israel, is a cherished goal for Arab nations, which believe it could defuse Middle East tensions and help usher in a period of prosperity for a region long riven by conflict.