At Least 22 Dead In Fire At Senegal Religious Retreat


At least 22 dead in fire at Senegal religious retreat

DAKAR, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 13th Apr, 2017 ) : At least 22 people were killed in a fire at a Muslim religious retreat in southeastern Senegal, firefighters told AFP Thursday, with 87 injured.

The fire broke out on Wednesday afternoon as worshippers gathered in the town of Medina Gounass in the Tambacounda region, a senior official with the firefighters said.

While some victims were badly burnt, others were hurt in the panicked stampede the fire caused, the source added.

Around 20 of the injured are in a serious state. The fire charged through straw shelters constructed for the multi-day event, according to Senegal's local press, allowing it spread rapidly.