At Mercy Of Cartels, Thousands Of Mexicans Seek Refuge In US


At mercy of cartels, thousands of Mexicans seek refuge in US

Tijuana, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Thousands of Mexicans are fleeing their homes to seek asylum in the United States, fearing their children might be kidnapped by ultra-violent drug cartels to become hitmen or sex slaves.

Last year, nearly a third of migrants intercepted at the southern US border were Mexican -- around 740,000 -- more than from Venezuela, Guatemala or Honduras, according to the International Organization for Migration.

"All the people in my town fled for the same reason: the kidnapping of sons and daughters for money," said Juan, who did not want to give his real name.

The 37-year-old said that he was abducted by a criminal group called Los Tlacos in Mexico's violence-plagued southern state of Guerrero.

A cartel leader told Juan that "if I didn't work for him he would take my children," a 13-year-old boy and two girls aged 14 and 17.

The gangster was going to "train" the boy and wanted the girls "for himself," said Juan, who worked as a cook for the cartel.

He even filmed footage of murder victims for the gang to send to its rivals, he said, fighting back tears.

After a fortnight in captivity, Juan managed to escape and fled Mexico with his grandmother, wife and children.

Crime is one of the main challenges awaiting Mexico's next president as the country prepares to hold elections on June 2.

Despite a growing economy, political stability and reduced poverty, outgoing left-wing populist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has failed to stop a spiral of cartel-related violence.

Several years ago, shelters near the Mexican-US border were overwhelmed by a wave of migrants from Central and South America.

Today, around 70-85 percent of guests at the shelters are Mexican, managers of two centers told AFP.