Biden Woos Kenya's President Ruto With Key State Visit

Biden woos Kenya's President Ruto with key state visit

Washington, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) US President Joe Biden is rolling out the red carpet Thursday for his Kenyan counterpart William Ruto with a diplomacy-heavy state visit and a lavish White House dinner with all the trimmings.

It is the first state visit to Washington by an African leader in more than 15 years.

As Biden seeks to counter geopolitical headwinds across the continent, he will formally ask Congress to grant Kenya the status of "major non-Nato ally," according to a senior administration official.

The label officially confers military and diplomatic privileges on the countries -- currently 18 around the world -- that are so designated, albeit without any formal security guarantees.

Kenya would become the first sub-Saharan African nation on the list.

"Democracy is obviously on the back foot globally and we see Kenya as an important, stable democracy in East Africa," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Hence the pomp and circumstance that awaits Ruto on Thursday -- a day after he met with Biden at the White House -- during a visit expected to touch on the issue of global peace and security, and notably an upcoming role for Kenya in a mission to restore order to chaos-torn Haiti.

Ruto will first be received with military honors in the morning, followed by a bilateral meeting with Biden, then a joint press conference, before a gala dinner featuring the two first ladies.

Distinguished guests will gather in a vast pavilion on the White House lawn, where tables will be adorned with African orchids and American roses.