'Heinous Attack': Leaders Condemn Shooting Of Slovak PM

'Heinous attack': Leaders condemn shooting of Slovak PM

World leaders reacted with shock and condemnation after Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico suffered life-threatening gunshot wounds Wednesday in what officials said was an assassination attempt

Paris, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th May, 2024) World leaders reacted with shock and condemnation after Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico suffered life-threatening gunshot wounds Wednesday in what officials said was an assassination attempt.

- Ukraine 'strongly condemns' -

"We strongly condemn this act of violence against our neighbouring partner state's head of government. Every effort should be made to ensure that violence does not become the norm in any country, form, or sphere," said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

- Italy voices 'deep shock' -

"I learned with deep shock the news of the cowardly attack," Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said in a statement that also stressed the her government's "strongest condemnation of all forms of violence and attacks on the cardinal principles of democracy and freedom".

- NATO chief urges 'speedy recovery' -

"I wish him strength for a speedy recovery. My thoughts are with Robert Fico, his loved ones, and the people of Slovakia," NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said.

- Germany calls for 'end to violence in politics' -

"I am deeply shocked by the news of the cowardly attack on Slovakian Prime Minister Fico," German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said, also calling for an end to "violence in European politics".

- Hungary slams 'heinous attack' -

"I was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend, Prime Minister Robert Fico. We pray for his health and quick recovery! God bless him and his country!," said Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

- EU says 'violence undermines democracy' -

"I strongly condemn the vile attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. Such acts of violence have no place in our society and undermine democracy, our most precious common good. My thoughts are with PM Fico, his family," said EU chief Ursula von der Leyen

- Serbia 'prays for wounded PM' -

"I am shocked by the attempted assassination of Robert Fico, a great friend to me and to Serbia. Dear friend, I pray for you and for your health," said Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic.
