Mass Funeral Held For Afghan Quake Victims, Families Still Missing

Mass funeral held for Afghan quake victims, families still missing

Siah Ab, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Oct, 2023) A mass funeral ceremony for around 300 earthquake victims was held Monday in rural western Afghanistan, as families remained trapped in the rubble of their ruined homes two days after high-magnitude tremors killed more than 2,000 people.

In Siah Ab village, near the epicentre of Saturday's magnitude 6.3 quake followed by eight aftershocks, white-shrouded bodies were unloaded from a fleet of ambulances and laid in ranks as crowds solemnly crossed their arms in Islamic prayer.

The UN says "100 percent" of homes were destroyed in 11 villages of rural Zenda Jan district, around 30 kilometres (19 miles) northwest of Herat city, capital of the same-named province.

Aid trickled in Monday on trucks packed with food and blankets, and blue tents began to pop up amidst the jumble of brown mud bricks where family homes once stood.

But disaster management ministry spokesman Mullah Janan Sayeq said that still "people are trying to search and get their family out of debris".

Reports from the field described "a very bad situation" he told a news conference in the capital.

Local and national officials gave conflicting counts of the number of dead and injured, but the disaster ministry said Sunday that 2,053 people had died.

"We can't give exact numbers for dead and wounded as it is in flux," Sayeq said Monday.

The World Health Organisation estimated more than 11,000 people had been affected from 1,655 families.

As winter draws in, providing shelter for residents will be a major challenge for Afghanistan's Taliban government, which seized power in August 2021 and has fractious relations with international aid organisations.