Syria Water Crisis Puts 460,000 At Risk Amid COVID-19 Crisis - UNICEF

Syria Water Crisis Puts 460,000 at Risk Amid COVID-19 Crisis - UNICEF

A disruption in the water supply from the Allouk water station in northeast Syria has put the lives of more than 460,000 people at risk, UNICEF Representative Fran Equiza said in the statement

WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 23rd March, 2020) A disruption in the water supply from the Allouk water station in northeast Syria has put the lives of more than 460,000 people at risk, UNICEF Representative Fran Equiza said in the statement.

"The station is the main source of water for around 460,000 people in al-Hasskeh city, Tal Tamer and the al-Hol and Areesha camps," Equiza said.

"The interruption of water supply during the current efforts to curb the spread of the Coronavirus disease puts children and families at unacceptable risk."

Handwashing with soap is critical in fighting against COVID-19, the statement said

UNICEF and partners are supporting families in the city of al-Hassakeh and camps for displaced families with water trucking, but these efforts will barely cover minimum needs if the water supply is interrupted again, Equiza said.

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