UPDATE - Venezuelan Opposition Leader Guaido Says Recovering From COVID-19

UPDATE - Venezuelan Opposition Leader Guaido Says Recovering From COVID-19

BUENOS AIRES (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 06th April, 2021) Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido, who earlier contracted the novel coronavirus disease, said his new test for COVID-19 was negative.

In late March, Guaido said he had contracted coronavirus. The disease had a mild form.

"I want to inform you that the test for COVID-19 was negative, I am already recovering," the politician wrote on Twitter.

Venezuela saw mass protests against President Nicolas Maduro start on January 21, 2019 shortly after Maduro was sworn in. Guaido illegally proclaimed himself interim head of state. A number of Western countries, led by the United States, announced the recognition of Guaido. In turn, Maduro called him a US puppet. Russia, China, Turkey and a number of other countries supported Maduro as legitimate president. Moscow called Guaido's "presidential status" non-existent.