Zelenskyy Hopes Ukraine's 'Peace Summit' Will Take Place In Fall

Zelenskyy Hopes Ukraine's 'Peace Summit' Will Take Place in Fall

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Wednesday that he hoped a so-called peace summit for the discussion of Kiev's peace plan could be held this fall

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 02nd August, 2023) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Wednesday that he hoped a so-called peace summit for the discussion of Kiev's peace plan could be held this fall.

"We are working on making it (the summit) happen this fall. The majority of the world should be at the summit. Fall is very, very soon, but there is still time to prepare the summit and attract most of the world's countries. It depends on your activity," Zelenskyy said during an emergency meeting with heads of Ukrainian diplomatic missions in the Zakarpattia Region.

On June 1, Zelenskyy confirmed that the summit for the discussion of his peace plan was being prepared, saying that he wanted these talks to involve as many countries as possible.

In late June, the head of his office, Andriy Yermak, said that Kiev wanted to host the event.

Zelenskyy unveiled a 10-point peace initiative in November, which includes an all-for-all prisoner swap with Russia, security guarantees for Ukraine and a return to the pre-2014 borders.

Moscow said it was open to peace negotiations as long as Kiev recognized the territorial gains it made since the launch of the military operation in Ukraine in February 2022. This is despite Kiev banning its officials from engaging the Russian government in talks while President Vladimir Putin is the Russian president.