SDP Leader Says Gov't Not Making Necessary Changes In Society


SDP leader says gov't not making necessary changes in society

ZAGREB, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Dec, 2022 ) :Social Democratic Party (SDP) leader Peda Grbin said on Tuesday that the way the government was managing resources did not guarantee long-term and stable growth, criticising it for not making the necessary changes in society that would benefit all.

Speaking at a reception held by the party's branch in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County in Rijeka on the occasion of the Christmas and New Year holidays, Grbin said that his criticism of the government did not mean that he did not think helping those in need was not important but that the government's economic model and the way it managed resources did not guarantee long-term, stable and good growth.

"This is especially so because politicians from the ruling HDZ party are not honest and responsible the way they should be.

They are incapable of securing quality public services and think the citizens are there for their sake and not vice versa," he said.

Citizens need a solid health system where you don't have to wait for a specialist examination for more than a year, a public power company that does not need months or years to approve the installation of solar panels, and a state of responsible politicians who do not leave earthquake victims to live in container homes for two years, he said.

"Croatia does not have to be like that. politics can be different, it can be oriented towards citizens, enabling good kindergarten care, good roads and good public services," he said, noting also that the outgoing year was marked by "the horrible war and aggression against Ukraine, which has been affecting us all."