Crew Of 1st SpaceX Manned Mission Arrives In Russia For Training - Training Center

Crew of 1st SpaceX Manned Mission Arrives in Russia for Training - Training Center

The crew of the first manned mission of the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft arrived at Russia's Zvyozdny Gorodok for training, Russia's Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center (GCTC) said on Monday

MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 27th May, 2019) The crew of the first manned mission of the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft arrived at Russia's Zvyozdny Gorodok for training, Russia's Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center (GCTC) said on Monday.

"This week, NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley, who are preparing for Demo-2, the first manned flight of the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft, will have introductory training at the GCTC," the center said in a statement.

Both Behnken and Hurley have already participated in the International Space Station (ISS) missions.

As part of their training at the GCTC, the astronauts will study design and configuration of the Russian segment of the ISS and will learn how to behave in emergency situations.

In March, a source in the Russian aerospace industry told Sputnik that NASA planned to hold SpaceX Demo-2 mission, the first manned flight of the Crew Dragon spacecraft, on July 25, marking the first crewed US spacecraft launch to the ISS in eight years.

NASA held the successful test flight of the unmanned Dragon mission to the ISS, known as Demo-1, in March.