Lebanese Health Ministry Approves Use Of Russian Vaccine Sputnik V - Reports

Lebanese Health Ministry Approves Use of Russian Vaccine Sputnik V - Reports

A scientific commission under the Lebanese Health Ministry approved the use of Russian vaccine Sputnik V, Lebanese national agency NNA reported

BEIRUT (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 05th February, 2021) A scientific commission under the Lebanese Health Ministry approved the use of Russian vaccine Sputnik V, Lebanese national agency NNA reported.

A scientific commission formed by Health Minister Hamad Hasan has approved the registration of vaccines provided by the private sector under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Sputnik V vaccine, provided it is imported exclusively from licensed warehouses, the agency said.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Charbel Wehbe on Thursday asked the Russian government to provide 200,000 doses of coronavirus vaccine in the form of assistance, the Lebanese Foreign Ministry said.

On Tuesday, peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet published an interim analysis from the phase 3 trial of the Sputnik V vaccine, showing its 91.6 percent efficacy against symptomatic COVID-19. It has been approved in Belarus, Serbia, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Algeria, Lebanon, Palestine, Venezuela, Paraguay, Turkmenistan, Hungary, the UAE, Iran, Guinea, Tunisia and Armenia.