New Zealand To Dispatch Rescue Flight To New Caledonia In 'next Hour'

New Zealand to dispatch rescue flight to New Caledonia in 'next hour'

Wellington, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st May, 2024) New Zealand's foreign minister on Tuesday said a government plane would depart for New Caledonia in the "next hour" to pick up tourists stranded for a week in the crisis-hit French territory.

Winston Peters said the first plane would bring "50 passengers with the most pressing needs" back to Auckland and would be the "first in a series of proposed flights to begin bringing New Zealanders home".

More than 3,000 people are estimated to have been stranded by a week of unrest that has shuttered the Pacific archipelago's main international airport.

Many of them are Australian and New Zealand tourists stuck in resorts and hotels with dwindling supplies of food.

Tourists have told AFP of food shortages, gunfire, and reports of arson and looting near resorts, leaving them fearful for their safety.

The main Tontouta International Airport has been closed to all but military flights since the unrest began on 20 May.