US Air Force Servicewoman Arrested In Italy For Drunk Driving Killing Of Teen - Reports

US Air Force Servicewoman Arrested in Italy for Drunk Driving Killing of Teen - Reports

A 20-year-old US Air Force servicewoman posted at the Aviano base in northern Italy was arrested for killing a 15-year-old boy while driving home drunk near Pordenone, ANSA reported

WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 23rd August, 2022) A 20-year-old US Air Force servicewoman posted at the Aviano base in northern Italy was arrested for killing a 15-year-old boy while driving home drunk near Pordenone, ANSA reported.

Julia Bravo's blood level was reportedly four times the legal limit when she hit Giovanni Zanier while driving home at 2:30 a.

m. on Sunday after a night out. Two friends walking with him were not injured.

Bravo has been placed under house arrest and charged with vehicular homicide.

On Tuesday, Zanier's mother Barbara Scandella said that Bravo must be tried in Italy, rather than in the United States, where US citizens who have committed crimes abroad are usually tried.