Warid Caller Tunes Code 2024 - Warid Caller Tunes

Warid Caller Tunes Code 2024 - Warid Caller Tunes

Warid Tunes let your friends and family listen to your favorite tune every time they call you. Warid tunes subscription codes 2024. Get Warid Caller Tunes

How to Subscribe to Warid Dial Tunes 2024: Let your friends and family hear your favorite tunes every time they call you!. Instead of making your callers listen to the conventional ringing tone, with Warid Tunes you can make your callers listen to your chosen Warid Tune.

You can choose your favorite music, naat sharif or just new modern music from list of Warid content database and subscribe to the service.

Warid Caller Tunes Code 2024 - Warid Dial Tune Code 2024

To Subscribe: Dial 230 or send sub to 230
Price: Rs 1.68 Per Day Prepaid
Price: Rs 53.78 Per Month Postpaid

Subscription Code Un-subscription Charges
Sub to 230 Unsub to 230 Rs 1.

(جاری ہے)

50 Per Day

Warid Caller Tunes Terms & Conditions 2024

  • Warid is engaged in the business of providing inter alia, mobile telecommunication services and ancillary services including value added services (”Warid Services”) in Pakistan, AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan (collectively referred to as the ”Territory”) to the consumers of Warid Services (”Customers”);
  • Warid is also offering caller tunes (”Warid Caller Tunes”) as a part of its various value added services (”VAS Services”).

    Warid Caller Tunes allows entertaining callers of the Customers while they are waiting for the Customer to answer their call, by replacing the standard connecting tone 'TringTring' with a tune of Customer’s choice;

  • The terms and conditions mentioned herein (”Terms and Conditions”) shall determine the rights and liabilities of Warid and the Customer regarding the use of Warid Caller Tunes.

    In order to avail the Warid Caller Tunes Services, the Customer shall accept the Terms and Conditions in their totality by subscribing to Warid Caller Tunes Services and such subscription shall be the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions in their totality by the Customer;

  • The Prepaid Customer shall be charged service subscription of Rs.

    1.68 per day inclusive of taxes. In case a customer doesn’t have enough balance to pay full subscription price on a day, the service deducts partial amount (between Rs.1.68 and Rs.0.25) and keeps the service running.

    The service also offers 2 days charging in case a customer didn’t pay on previous day and keeps the service active;

  • The Post-paid Customer shall be charged service subscription of Rs.

    53.78 inclusive of taxes per month;

  • After subscription in Warid Caller Tunes Service, the Customer shall find a vast library of caller tunes on the Warid MRBT to select against their MSISDN;

More Caller Tunes Informations