Shipping Activity At Port Qasim

Shipping activity at Port Qasim

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd May, 2024) Two ships, Marathopolis and Ammos carrying container and steel coil, berthed at container terminal and multi-purpose terminal respectively here today.

Meanwhile, three more ships, Maersk Phuket, Addison and Al-Daayen carrying container and LNG also arrived at outer-anchorage of the Port Qasim on Thursday.

Eight ships were engaged at PQA berths during the last 24 hours, out of them seven ships, Marathopolis, Tethis-7, Ammos, Scio Spirit, Blue Jamaica, Advantage Paradise and Al-Thakhira are expected to sail on Thursday.

Cargo volume of 132,235 tonnes, comprising 112,626 tonnes imports cargo and 19,609 tonnes export cargo carried in 1,937 containers (817 TEUs imports and 1,120 TEUs export) was handled at the port during last 24 hours.

There are 10 ships at Outer Anchorage of Port Qasim, out of them four ships, VTC Phoenix, Kouros Glory, Peace Victoria and Al-Daayen & five more ships, Epic Bolivia, Athenian, One Reinforcement, Wan Hai-316 and Maersk Denver scheduled load/offload Rice, Cement, Mogas, LNG, Gas oil and other containers are expected to take berths at respectively MW-1, MW-2, FOTCO, PGPCL, EVTL and QICT on Thursday, while two more container ships, Atlantic Ibis and Myny are due to arrive at Port Qasim on Friday.
