43 Kg Chars, 11 Kg Opium Siezed, Accused Arrested

43 kg Chars, 11 kg Opium siezed, accused arrested

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 9th Apr, 2023 ) :Civil Line police have claimed to arrest a drug trafficker and seized 43 kg Chars and 11 kg Opium from his possession.

SP Lyallpur Town Shamsul Haq Durrani talking to media persons on Sunday said that the police team headed by SHO Civil Line police station Abdul Jabbar on a tip-off conducted raid and arrested a drug pusher along with heavy quantity of narcotics.

The police recovered 43 kilograms (kg) Chars and 11 kg Opium from his possession while further investigation was under progress.

Meanwhile, City Police Officer (CPO) Syed Ali Nasir Rizvi appreciated performance of police team and announced commendation certificates for them, he added.

DSP Civil Line Khalid Mehmood and others were also present in the conference.