Beyond Theology: Seminaries Should Embrace Practical Skills For Holistic Students Development

Beyond theology: Seminaries should embrace practical skills for holistic students development

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) There is a dire need to produce skill development in seminary students in a bid to integrate them into the mainstream fabric of society.

Embracing the ethos of empowerment and civic responsibility, this initiative can equip students with practical skills, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to the economy while fostering a sense of responsibility as citizens.

Traditionally, seminaries have served as centres of religious education, focusing primarily on theological studies and spiritual development. However, recognizing the evolving needs of society and the aspirations of their students, the seminaries should embark on a journey to broaden their educational offerings.

Expressing his views with APP, a non-profitable organization – Pakistan Development Foundation (PDF) Chairman, Muhammad Bilal Sethi said the seminaries should introduce a diverse array of skill development programmes tailored to the interests and aptitudes of their students. These programmes should encompass a wide spectrum of disciplines, including vocational training, technology, entrepreneurship, and professional development, he added.

Bilal said seminaries must partner with vocational institutes and industry experts to offer training in fields such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, and automotive repair. He said practical workshops and hands-on training sessions should integrate into the curriculum, providing students with valuable real-world experience.

Recognizing the increasing importance of technology in today’s world, Bilal said seminaries must offer courses in computer literacy, coding, and digital marketing adding that through these programmes, students can be equipped with essential skills for the digital age, enhancing their employability and adaptability in a rapidly evolving job market.

He further emphasized on seminaries to foster an entrepreneurial spirit among students by offering courses in business management, financial literacy, and marketing. He opined that with mentor-ship programmes and incubation hubs, aspiring entrepreneurs can receive guidance and support to develop their business ideas into viable ventures.

To prepare students for careers in various professions, Bilal further proposed seminaries to provide workshops on resume writing, interview skills, and workplace etiquette. He further underscored the significance of career counseling services to help students identify their strengths, interests, and career pathways.

In conclusion, Bilal said the emergence of skill development initiatives within seminaries can bring a paradigm shift in religious education, emphasizing the holistic development of students beyond theological studies. By empowering seminary students with practical skills and instilling in them a sense of responsibility, this initiative will not only transform individual lives but also will contribute to the greater good of society, he added.
