CM Reviews Work On Bund Road Corridor Project

CM reviews work on Bund Road Corridor project

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Nov, 2023) Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi along with the Provincial Cabinet conducted a surprise visit to the Bund Road Controlled Access Corridor project.

The CM visited the project route from Babu Sabu up to Saggian. The labour shift working on the project from Babu Sabu up to Saggian was absent. He expressed his indignation over the absence of labourers from the site, supervisors of contractors, LDA staff and expressed his anger with the LDA DG as well.

CM Mohsin Naqvi issued a stern warning to the Chief Engineer and the company working on the project from Babu Sabu up to Saggian.

He immediately summoned the LDA DG, Chief Engineer LDA, contractor and LDA staff on the spot. He stated that he felt deeply grieved over seeing absence of night shift working on the project, adding that seeing the state of affairs by paying a surprise visit was highly intolerable. Provincial ministers Mansoor Qadir, Amir Mir, Azfar Ali Nasir, Doctor Jamal Nasir and Ibrahim Hassan Murad also accompanied him.