Courts Award Jail Terms To Three Drug Peddlers In Separate Cases

Courts award jail terms to three drug peddlers in separate cases

A district and sessions court on Wednesday sentenced 12 years’ imprisonment to an accused in a drug smuggling case

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) A district and sessions court on Wednesday sentenced 12 years’ imprisonment to an accused in a drug smuggling case.

The accused Sharafat Khan was arrested by Gujar Khan Police with 1,800 grams of hashish.

The court also imposed a fine of Rs 100,000 on the convict.

Meanwhile, in another case registered with Nasserabad Police Station, another district court sentenced the accused Sher Bano to nine years in prison for having 3,300 grams of charas.

The court also imposed a fine of Rs 100,000 .

Additionally, a district and sessions court also sentenced an accused Nadeem Ahmed to prison for nine years after being found guilty of possessing 1,300 grams of hashish.

The court also imposed a fine of Rs 800,00 on the convict arrested by Kalar Syeda Police in 2023.