Cut In Petrol Prices: Transport Companies Announce 10pc Reduction In Fares


Cut in petrol prices: transport companies announce 10pc reduction in fares

Secretary Regional Transport Authority (RTA), Mohsin Nisar, said that the transport companies have announced 10 percent reduction in fares after cut in petroleum products prices

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th May, 2024) Secretary Regional Transport Authority (RTA), Mohsin Nisar, said that the transport companies have announced 10 percent reduction in fares after cut in petroleum products prices.

He expressed these views during a meeting with representatives of transport companies at general bus stand here on Thursday.

All the transport companies agreed on 10 percent reduction in fares in the meeting.The district administration has initiated measures to ensure the implementation of reduction in transport fares in this regard.

Secretary RTA while addressing the meeting said that the Punjab government issued orders to provide immediate relief to the common people after the reduction in petroleum products.

All the transport companies have been persuaded to reduce the fares by 10 percent. Mohsen Nisar clarified to the representatives of the transport companies that strict action would be taken and heavy fine also be imposed in case of not providing relief of reduction of petrol prices to masses.