'Fesco Takes All Possible Measures In Monsoon'

'Fesco takes all possible measures in monsoon'

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Jul, 2022 ) :Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (Fesco) Chief Executive Officer Engr Bashir Ahmed on Friday said the company had taken all possible measures to maintain a smooth electricity supply during current rainy season.

He said patrolling had been arranged for maintenance of feeders, identification of defects in lines, transformers and other installations.

The officers had been directed to take steps to rectify faults at disposal tube wells and water supply feeders of their circles so that drainage problems could not be faced, he said.

Bashir Ahmed appealed to people to stay away from electric poles, wires and transformersand follow guidelines issued by the Fesco during the rainy season.