Illegal Weapon Dealer Held, 75 Pistols Recovered


Illegal weapon dealer held, 75 pistols recovered

BUREWALA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th May, 2024) Patrolling police on Saturday foiled supply of illegal weapons and seized 75 pistols by arresting the illegal weapon dealer.

According to details, Incharge Katchi Pakki patrolling check post Rana Muhammad Sheraz along with his team, on a tip off, set up a temporary picket and stopped a suspicious car.

During checking, they recovered 75 pistols 30 borr packed into three cartons.

Police seized the latest weapon and car into custody and arrested a driver named Muhammad Amin Siddiq s/o Muhammad Siddiq resident of Hasilpur. Case registered against the accused.

The illegal weapon was being supplied to Burewala from Hasilpur.

The accused was involved in various cases of illegal weapons and supply of weapons to various cities.