NH&MP Launches Drive Against Overloading At Highways

NH&MP launches drive against overloading at Highways

KHANEWAL, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) National Highway and Motorway Police (NH&MP) launched a drive against overloading in Beat 18 Khanewal to ensure the safety of the national highways.

As per directions of IG Motorway Police, the campaign was being run in which strict action was being taken against such vehicles which could not maintain the prescribed weight while traveling on the Highways.

The transport owners were directed not to load more than the weight approved by the government of Pakistan at Highways against which proper action will be taken and a campaign is underway in which heavy fines imposed against such vehicles and in addition FIRs will also be launched against them.

Panaflexes have also been displayed regarding it.

The all Beat officers have been briefed that vehicles found overloaded during duty will be weighed at the regular weigh station and legal action will be taken against them. In case of excess, they will be de-loaded after imposing heavy fines.


1300 hrs